Well chaps, Sue and I have been dating almost four months now (about a week shy) We've gone through the honeymoon phase, Denial of the sacrifices we are making, Rejection of those same changes in our lives, and finally moved toward accepting our new responsibilities and beginning to build a long lasting relationship foundation.
There remains only one issue left for us.
Namely, her feelings of hesitance regarding future commitment. She and I got together right in the midst of her previous marriage ending. That husband was her first love, first kiss, and first sexual experience. One of the major issues that Sue had with him was that he could not accept her. She had feelings of worry because she had so little experience, and he made her feel like she could not bring those things up for discussion.
Now, Sue and I have discussed them. It would seem to us that in order to remove the "rebound" status from our relationship, but more importantly, to give her a chance to get her feet wet in the dating arena and not feel like she's married every guy she's ever dated, we've decided it might be a good idea to open our relationship up to dating others.
I want to know how this has effected anyones relationship in the past?
Have you any advice for us in taking this step in our relationship?
Be honest and brutal if need be, I want true opinions here. If you'd like to know more about the relationship, then ask! =]