So about 3 months ago I broke up with a girl I was with for 7 years and had a kid with early on. I just could not grasp, I love this women and just could not get my hands around it. I understand that we both had our ups and downs and actually seperated for a couple of months about 3 years ago, but now she has actually moved out I helped her get her apartment with a promise from her to try to work out the relationship. Well once she moved out that was bye, bye everything she after some "discussions" basically said she doesn't see any sort of relationship with me and that she does not want to work things out. So I could not accept it and ofcourse I got upset and more depressed than I was. I have a kid with her and really want to be part of his life but she was my life. We both met at a young age and I was busy working on my career and school trying to get my situation straight so she and my son can count on me for anything. Oh well, something messed up and I just dont understant. Well she started going out way more with her friends and staying over there houses and ofcourse my jealousy got even higher. At this point I basically cannot stand her in any shape and form but I still love her so f*ing much. But I want to get over her and now my kid is in the middle everytime When I am with him ofcourse she is on my mind and I can't stand it. I got into an argument recently with her after she stood over her friends house and ofcourse my stupid ridiculous jealousy got the best of me again. So I basically can't deal with the situation anymore and basically told her that I dont want to be part of my kids life anymore that I just cant deal with it. I told her to pickup his xmas gifts and stuff and leave. It hurts so f*ing much I want to be part of his life but I am weird because I just can not see me in my kids life unless she is with me. I know I am pathetic. Any help, advice, anything is welcomed. Thanks