I'm just hoping that an old (love) friend will some how serendipitously find this site and see this link. I just wanted to wish her all the best.
I'm just hoping that an old (love) friend will some how serendipitously find this site and see this link. I just wanted to wish her all the best.
Last edited by Pazanagadong; 24-07-05 at 04:46 PM.
Um, how and why would they? Me, or anyone else has absolutely no idea who you are, where you are from, what your name is...you do realize there are over 6 billion people on this planet, and you are assuming that one person is going to come here, decide to click on your link based on.....? Also of note, this message will be buried within a day lost forever...?
This is like me randomly dialing numbers on my phone and hoping I'm going to get connected to Bill Gates.
Well Cybog, maybe if they saw his screen name, they would know. Kinda like how someone remembered my screen name after a couple years... or something like that.
If a dream comes true... then is it still a dream?
yep...i figured it wouldn't be found....but what the heck...one of my fav movies is serendipity....fate or not...it's still fun to hope
cybog ... take not a mans hope away ... it maybe all that he has
Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses? - The Ghost of Christmas Past
Cybog: Ya know: The more of your posts I read, the more I admire you. I get this picture of a teeth-gnashing, harried, handsomely frazzled individual who's long ago lost entirely ALL patience with bullshit or stupidity. THAT'S admirable. ;-)
Congrats on the Admin thing. (uh...unless it's gonna be a pain in the ass; then condolences.)
[url]http://nitewing.cx.la;[/url] [url]http://hayward.cx.la[/url]
(ATTENTION guy from Chicago who borrowed 300 bucks from me 8 years ago: Please click on one of the links above to get information on how you can pay it back to me.)`
Hey. Ya never know Ya know? Might work.
Last edited by whaywardj; 13-06-05 at 06:30 PM.
lmao, thanks whaywardj. I used to post here all the time, but I have been on a break for the past few months. Those who know me know that I don't mind occasionally slapping people around with my Reality Beatstick™.
My promotion was a welcome one, and will likely aid in me sticking around for many moons to come
I guess you're right cyborg....thanks for bringing me back down to reality
Last edited by Pazanagadong; 28-06-05 at 04:59 PM.