Hello all,
First off let me introduce myself, my name is Colin, and I know posts like this are more common then not. I feel I need to post it even if it gets no replies to get it off my chest.
I have really strong feelings for a girl who happends to be a friend of my sister. I met her because me sister and I frequently go out to clubs/parties and we each bring our friends. My sister and I have a deal in which I can't "hook up" with any of her friends, and I agreed. The girl I've only met 4 times and I knew right away I liked her. So the 2nd time we went out I tried to feel her out, but at the same time trrying to be slick enough for my sister not to be suspicious. I got a vibe that she was feeling me. The 3rd time my sister was asking her what kind of guy she was looking for and I was purposly overhearing. The guy she described was not like me, so I pretty much took my licks and tried to forget her, but by the end of the night I felt a connection between us. Normaly in this situation I would just ask the girl if she's into me, but with my sister being really crazy about this sort of thing I can't. It's really bothering me. So Im really looking for a way to find out. I was thinking maybe send her flowers. I'm really confused. I know the obvious answer is, if I really like her that much my sister will understand. I don't want to bring it to my sisters attention if the girl doesnt feel the same about me.
Sorry for the lost post, I hope it all makes sense. Thanks for listening
- Coli