These students are in America NOT Mexico. If you want to stay here, America comes first, last,and always otherwise go back and make it better where ever you came from. Don't try to turn my country into yours by ILLEGALLY entering mine and then demanding all the benefits of a LEGAL citizen of our nation.
NO funding from federal tax dollars for any student out of class that day or any other day for such subversive activities... Teacher led or not.
You will not see this heart-stopping photo on the front page of the NY Times or on the lead story of the major news networks. You should:
03/28 : Student protest
Whittier area students from Pioneer, California and Whittier high schools walked out of classes to protest the proposed federal immigration bill March 27, 2006. The protestors put up the Mexican flag over the American flag flying upside down at Montebello High. (Leo Jarzomb/Staff photo)
Meanwhile: Mexico Cheers Passage of Immigration Bill
Like I said: Welcome to reconquista.
I predict this stunt will be the nail in the coffin of any guest-worker/amnesty plan on the table in Washington. The image of the American flag subsumed by another and turned upside down on American soil is already spreading on Internet forums and via e-mail.
The battle for borders and immigration laws that actually mean something, however, hasn't even begun.
Update 3/29 1030am EST. New photo from the Dallas pro-illegal immigration student rally via the Dallas Morning News: