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Thread: 37 reasons why girls like boys ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    37 reasons why girls like boys ?

    # The way they always wear their favorite cologne ( which happens to be the one that you bought to

    them for their birthday )
    # The way that they run their hands through out hair

    # The way that they look at you and you want to die right there and then

    # The way that they casually put their arms around you

    # The way that they kiss away your tears

    # ...and the way that they then get mad at how they can't make your problems go away

    # The way they show off around their friends, even though you both know that you would love them

    even if they missed a basket or two
    # How their eyes light up at the result of 3 hours of preparing your date

    # How they always know just what to say to make you blush

    # How they sometimes think that they know just what to say to make you feel better, even if you think

    that it is the worst thing they could say
    # The way they hold you close when you are cold

    # How they look at you when you are mad at them and all your anger melts away

    # How they always smile when you are together

    # The way that they always let you win any game that you play together

    # ...and then when you point that out to them, they pretend to not know what you are talking about

    # The way that they smile at you

    # The way that you feel when they call to apologize after you had a big fight

    # The way that they say " I love you "

    # The way that they say " I love you " in front of your friends

    # The way that they touch and hold you so gently, like they are afraid that they will break you

    # The way that they kiss you

    # The way that they open their arms to you when you are crying

    # The way that they never admit that you hurt them

    # The way that they try not to cry when they are afraid that they are losing you

    # The way they think that they are your big protector, even though you think that you are theirs

    # The way that they say " I miss you ", even though they hate to admit it

    # The way that you miss everything about them when they are gone

    # The way that they remember your special moments or anniversaries when you think that they forgot

    # The way that they apologize when they do forget

    # The way that they comfort you when you have a bad day

    # The way that you can't wait to get home and tell them all about your day

    # The way that they write you love letters even if they think that it is not cool

    # How they would rather be with you than their friends sometimes

    # How you want to hug them even though they are all sweaty

    # Yet regardless if you love them, hate them, wish they would die or know that you would die without them

    it matters not. Because once in your life, whatever they were to the world they become everything to you.
    # When you look them in the eyes, travelling to the depths of their souls and you say a million things without

    a trace of sound, you know that your own life is inevitably consumed within the rhythmic beatings of his heart.
    # We love them for a million reasons. No paper would do it justice. It is a thing a feeling, that is only felt.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I'm going to reply with a slightly cheeky, double list of my own about women. Folks, its only humour and my own observation and experience, and I don't really have any skin in the game, so to speak (I'm gay, and stopped going out with women when I was about 20)

    Some things I can't stand about (some) women

    *That they expect you to be a mind-reader

    *The way they get upset when you do something that's natural for a man to do

    *That they withhold sex and use it as a weapon against men

    *Their tendency to get upset about trivialities and then play the martyr when their mystified boyfriend tries to comfort them

    *Their jealousy and cattiness about other women, particularly if they think you sneaked a look (don't get caught boys)

    *The need for constant affirmation, compliments and reassurance

    Some things that I love about women

    *Their loyalty to their man

    *Their ability to make even the most mundane things into something special and romantic

    *Their pride in their partner/husband

    *Their ability to give bluntly honest and timely advice about some stupid venture or ill-thought out decision you've made


    *How much they will do to show they appreciate and love their sometimes feckless and clueless partner/husband

    Any additions, anyone?
    Last edited by ConfusedAlex; 21-09-10 at 04:09 PM.

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