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Thread: Weird Situation.. Need Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Weird Situation.. Need Advice

    First of all, I would like to tell you how thankful I am to have found this site. It looks very useful and has some good advice. I'm glad to be a member.

    On to my situation...

    I am currently interning this summer at a rather large company. There is this intern who I have been interested in for some time. Her name is Sarah. Sarah and I have talked at work. We don't see each other every day as we work in different departments. I really like her and would like to pursue her.

    We have hung out outside of work a few times, but never alone. We went out at an interns house and drank, etc. Things went really well and we talked a lot. I would think she is into me. She looked me up and added me on Facebook. Things were looking good until the other day.

    All of us interns had an outing at a baseball game. It was a lot of fun. I ended up talking and hanging out with her for quite a bit. At the end of the night, however, she walked back to our bus holding hands with this other intern, Steve. They also sat on the bus together. This sounds so immature but it obviously bothered me. I pretty much chalked it up as a loss and looked to move on until today.

    Today, Sarah IM'd me at work (we have an IM system for all employees). She asked me if I wanted to go out tomorrow night and that she wanted to see if any other interns were interested. Steve doesn't work at our location. I think we've seen him three times all summer. I told her that I'd be interested. Later, she IM'd me again and told me that we'd be going out in the town that our company is located. I said cool and asked who all is coming. She mentioned numerous people but also mentioned that Steve will be coming. I really have no interest in hanging out with all of the interns and see her and Steve get together (all of the other interns are lame). Also, we will be pregaming it at Steve's until we go to the bars. Sarah and Steve have obviously exchanged numbers and have talked/texted each other.

    What is your take of the situation?

    If I go, I don't want to be around them if they do like one another. I won't be bitter, but I'd rather not see it.

    If she is interested in me and I blow it off I will look like a jerk.

    Maybe she is interested in us both?

    Maybe she'd rather hang out in a group to get to know Steve more comfortably?

    At this point I'm leaning on just avoiding the whole situation and throw in the towel.

    Other information: I have lived and grew up in the city that our internship is in so I know the area. Sarah is not from around her. Steve goes to college here. She will be moving/living here after the summer as a full-time employee.

    Hopefully I didn't come across as too much of a bitch in my first post/thread.

    Thanks in advance and best of luck to all of you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Texarkana, AR
    You've been friendzoned. If you don't want to see her and Steve, don't go out with them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I can't tell if she's really into any or both of you, but I can tell you what I would do in your place: bring a close friend along, see how things go, if you hit it off stay and enjoy the night, if not and it turns out she likes Steve you can just leave with your friend, get yourselves some drinks and have fun someplace where you don't have to see them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I think you're right. I'll play it by ear tomorrow just to see how it goes. Most likely I won't be going.

    Thanks guys.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Friend zoned for sure.....like I posted before, Steve and Sarah are dating.

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