I was in a long distance relationship for the past 6 months. Like all LDR's we too had a small argument which became big and I went out of country for a month after the argument which made things worse. My Girl Friend decided to break up and I became emotional and did all non sense stuffs like begging, convincing her by saying i might die with out her but she din accept. Then, I started to follow the no-contact rule and didn talk with her for about 3 weeks. While i Was in NC, i got to know that she has logged into my FB and so I too logged into her iCloud coz I was too curios to know what was happening. We then fought over this. Again im in NC now and I think I really miss her and its a month since we broke up. I m planning on sending her some nice text messages which will kindle positive thoughts in her and then go visit her by surprise so that we can speak up. Since it is LDR, i believe meeting up will do a lot of good and will help us open our heart in the face.
I know she might freak out if I visit her without letting her know which might make the situation worse or she will understand how much she means to me.
Please advise if i can visit her by surprise or not.