It's kind of a tough spot for me and my girlfriend here, I've never been here before and I don't really know what to do. Well, I find the easier way to explain the situation by posting part of a message that I sent to my friend, thank you in advance.
"I think my gf's dad found out that her daughter is not a virgin anymore. For sum reason he took her fone and read a text he wasn't really supposed to.. ok let me explain.. on feb 16 my gf made me the creepiest joke ever.. she told me that she was pregnant which is something you can't find out 72 hours after you do it but u have to wait sumthin like 10 days for the semen to fecundate the embryo.. I freaked out at first.. you know.. but then I tried to calm her and I explained her on a text message that the test wasn't valid because of those reasons I said above.. well her dad read this text. And we can't tell him it was just a joke because you can make this joke if you didn't actually have sex. Her mum told her that she's old enough to do wathever she wants with her bf.. but she has to use protection, but she's still mad at her. Her dad is not talking to her and told us two to stay far away from him until he calms down. I didn't really want them to find out this way, as a father I would feel upset too, very upset because I'm jealous, I'm very jealous. But hey.. if you think about it, he took a risk.. the risk of reading thru her daughter's pvt msgs, so it's not completely our fault that he found out this way. I just hope he'll understand that what we did, wasn't just sex, because I'm not one of those guys that want to keep her girlfriends just to satisfy their sexual needs but I love her I really do, I mean it. She's not a girl I met in a bar, but I've been chasing her for over a year, and the more I know her the more I love her and I care for her, in few words I understand the value of sex; besides, it was the first time for me as well, we lost our virginity to eachother, and there's a special bond between us two, it's not just sex. One thing he'll have to understand is the fact that nobody would go and say this to her parents:- Hey mum, dad, I'm gonna have sex with my boyfriend tonight!. There's gotta be a first time, and he can't pretend her daughter to go and warn them, these are not things that are usually planned, set up, they just happen, like a first kiss you know. We've all been teenagers [damn I sound old here lol], how can they expect different from her daughter."