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Thread: Am I crazy or am just in love

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Am I crazy or am just in love

    Thought i would throw this out there. about 2 years ago i was getting prepared to divorce my wife of 30 years I met a married gal that i instantly fell for. we just got to know each other for about 3 months then one day we made out for hours at a park and then we met regularly after work at various places and talked and made out for another 3 months. finnally we made love and have been in love with each other ever since. the thing I am now divorced and she is still married but says she is getting ready to get divorced. i am about 15 years older than her and want to spend the rest of time. I really dont want to pressure her but it is getting hard to see her go home at night. she has a son that is still home and i think she plans on staying until he goes to college. if anybody has similar experience please input. please do not judge me . i know this love is real and i love her more than anyone in my life, thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Have you ever seen the movie Lost in Translation? It kinda reminds me of that. Two people who are married met in Tokyo and fell in love sorta. But instead of embracing the opportunity to cheat and ruin what they had with their partners at home, they did the wise thing and go their separate ways.

    Unfortunately in modern times, love seems to be top priority for most people. Love even trumps family. This feeling may or may not last long can ruin two families for the rest of their lives. It's kinda tragic but totally understandable why people would pick love over family. Of course your situation is not entirely like the one in the movie. You intended to divorce your wife. And she seems like from what you are saying intends to divorce her husband. Whether this will turn out for the best, only time will tell. Perhaps it is love in your side, but maybe it's just an affair for her. Again only time can tell. Wish you two find happiness and both your families are happy too.

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