Making Headway
Well Since the last thread I had started about my relationship, I have been making headway little by little. I have been doing more things for myself and so far with positive results.
I'm in the process of reading several books I picked up. One of them being "His needs,Her needs" which is basically just how it sounds, but it has made me realize even more about how to please each other without sacrificing what is important to us as individuals. I also re read "men are from Mars and Woman are from Venus" which gave me more insight on why I react the way I do to something that is said and how to look at it differently. These books are helping me quite a bit to understand more of what I can do, and how I can lessen my feeling of being everwhelmed all the time because I give so much.
But all in all, I am slowly getting my Independence back which is helping my self-esteem and bringing him closer to me so to speak. He feels more attached to me than ever now for that reason and he's expressing those feelings to me openly.
Just thought I would give an update! And thank you all for your help!
If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!