I recently met a girl at work for about two weeks. We had a nice chat at lunch recently for about 20 minutes plus another 10 minutes few days earlier when I was getting close with her at work.
The reason I had a chance have lunch with her because I waited for her to clock-off first and then I clocked out a bit later and met her in the food court like a "coincident". Well, my initial thought was "I am a stalker, oh well, but what can I do to know her better first." I mean no girl would going out with a stranger. A foundation must build first in a relationship and I wanted to go nice and smooth.
From what I know so far, she is six years younger than me and she is a grade 12 student and she needs to repeat one more year because she is a new immigrant from China. I said that I can help her on the English but she needs to teach me Mandarin. She is laughing and I was smiling because we didn't want to get anything too seriously. (Note: I am Chinese too but know nothing about Mandarin.)
A. Should I have lunch with her again on purpose, even when it is my day off? (I do not want to ask her specifically because meal schedules aren't fix and I can wait in the food court)
B. Should I let her know my number and wait for her to call? One of my supervisor from another store said "Men should be confident to give out the numbers because a lot of time she will call if she is interested." I would say something like. "Here is my number, let me know if you need help on your assignment."
C. Or a low-profile approach: Slip a small note or card into her locker with only my email address and write "If you need help with your assignment, attach it to the email and I can edit for you"
D. Just ask for her phone number in subtle way when she is at her locker. I would say something like "Gee, my cell phone seems having some problem, can you call my number to see if it works? Oh, I guess it does." I would have her number because of the the caller ID technology.
E. None of the above. Waited for two months more before proceed any of the above. Get familar with each other first at work.