I was just wondering, is it true that it is essential to ejaculate (men) to help stay clean and healthy?
I was just wondering, is it true that it is essential to ejaculate (men) to help stay clean and healthy?
Is it true that they need to ejaculate to stay clean and healthy?
Nah, it's just a very old trick...
Well, actually, sex is very good for the body, but not to that point.
It's helps prostate health but I'm not sure on the research. I would just in case (if I was a man).
To stay "clean"? Not really..
To stay "healthy"? Hmm.., sex benefits might include a delayed growth of the prostate gland and an increased ability to control the timing of their ejaculations in the future.. But aside from all other health benefits to sex.., there's nothing special about male ejaculation..
If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.
If men didn't ejaculate, we'd be as emotionally unstable as women.
By ejaculating before intercourse...you are increasing your chances of fresh, healthier sperm getting to a woman's egg.
"Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent." Nietzsche
There are two dilemmas... that rattle the human skull. How do you hold onto someone who won't stay? And how do you get rid of someone who won't go?
Ejaculation is a need.
According to a very good tai chi chuan teacher back in Sri Lanka the sexual intercourse with ejaculation weakens you for about 24 hours afterwards, though it only applies when you've reached an age somewhere beyond 25 and not for younger people.
Not sure about how credible it might be, but also there was a study at uni over here that showed that ejaculating, or having sex, on a regular basis does increase the possibility of pregnancies (for couples who want a baby), and that "waiting a few days to let it be fertile" doesn't work.
Last edited by Lipp; 20-09-08 at 08:09 AM.