I love my girlfriend very much and weve been dating for almost a year now. Should i go all out and do something unforgetable for our one year anniversary or should i play it cool with just like a romantic dinner? We met out at a friends house and i swear it was love at first sight. Everytime I ran into her after that i would literally shake. It wasnt till new years of last year that i finally made my move. Eveyone kept on telling me hey you should ask her out she thinks your cute. I was just really nervous. She is so beatiful i thought she was out of my league. well anyway we have had our ups and downs just like any other relationship. But this is the girl i want to marry. There was this one time we were talking about marriage and we both have like the same outlook on the matter. we both really dont agree on why people should get married. we look at it the same way. but im just thinking that i havent really thought about it long and hard. I dont think she has either. All im asking is for a females input on this matter, what should i do for our anniversary and what should i hint about marriage?