I am engaged to a really great guy. He is very responsible in every way. He has great credit, owns his own home, and is always reliable. He is the first guy who I have dated like this in a very long time. I have always been the responsible one in the relationship, and even supported a few boyfriends and friends in the past. My credit isn't perfect anymore, and I am not always on time when I go places, even work, though it's not a huge deal at the company I work for. My problem is that my fiance thinks it's a huge deal, and doesn't trust me to pay my own bills or go to work on time. He constantly asks me when i'm leaving for work, questions me if I leave late, opens my bills, and asks me if I have been paying things. Am I wrong to be annoyed about this? I feel like it comes from a good place, but I want him to respect me enough to know that I can handle things on my own. If I am vague, he says that I am making things up or lying, which really upsets me because it's none of his business to begin with, and even more so, I do not lie, and don't like being accused of it. Do you all have any opinions or advice to share with me?
Thank you!