I'll try and keep this brief but here it goes:
At art college I met this girl I really liked but in the end I presumed we were just friends as she started seeing this other guy. It ended after a few months and thankfully nothing happened between them. That was late June. It's now November and I haven't seen her since then and I'm now at uni.
Every now and again the thought of her pops into my head out of nowhere. I still think about her despite the fact I haven't seen her for so long and I've been doing my best to forget about her by meeting other girls and enjoying myself but it's no use. I'm contemplating whether I should contact her over christmas. the only way I could do so is through facebook. We got on really well and I don't think I entered the friend zone.
I'm basically asking another girl's opinion. How would you feel if a guy contacted you on facebook that you hadn't seen for months and asked you to meet up?? This is the only way I could contact her so It sounds like it would feel a bit obscure and sudden. I'm trying to forget about her but over the last 2 months it's been rather futile as she's still in my head.
Should I get in touch with her over facebook and how should I do it?? What should I say??