this is a kind of weird situation, but any thoughts would be appreacted. so i started seeing this girl, just over a month ago. everything is going great, we get along awsome, never even had an arguement or anything. then one day she is acting very different, being super quiet, just not being herself. i knew she had something to tell me but i just let it go untill finally she said she had someting to tell me. so she tells me she is pregnant so we talk about it for a wile and she decides abortion is not an option. my main concern was weather i was the father of this child or not. so after some ultrasounds and stuff it worked out that the date of conception was before i even knew her. since she found that out i have not seen her. we talked through text messages and stuff, but its like she dosent want to talk to me, and we got along so great before, obously this is super stressfull for her. anyways i told her that i am not looking at her any differently then before this all happened and that i would like to contunie seeing her, and asked if she felt the same and she replied back "i really dont know what i want right now, i just need some time, im sorry." so i have not tried to contact her since, am i handling this right, should i wait? any positive input would be greatly apprecated, thank you!