Like anybody, I'm afraid of the unknown.
Not only that, but I hate the idea of being in debt. But in this day and age, it seems impossible to live out of debt unless you take some intense measures.
To the point: I will have to buy a new(er) car. Period.
I brought mine back into the shop and it turns out the last people to do repairs f*cked it up. Repairing has become too costly. get a new car, a car I think would be really worth having, would require that I pull out a loan. A loan that would bear interest. I hate the idea of it, truly.
Remember how I paid off my student loans in one fell swoop? I'm still trying to recover from that. Not that I'm hurting or anything, but $15,000+ for a car is nothing I'm capable of payin' for in cash. Having a monthly payment scares me. I don't like the idea of living outside of my means. All my credit cards I pay off every month.
The guys at work tease that I must have a trust fund or something, because I don't always take the overtime offered. Not that I couldn't use it, but I don't need the overtime because I already have enough in my checking, and regularly deposit into my savings despite my meager 12 dollars. Which I've come to realize is really nothing these days. It's nothing.
I dunno if I'm actually looking for answers, I just needed to blow off a little steam. I hate money.