There is this guy that I have known for years. Years ago he used to be a jerk to me. I actually did my best to avoid him for years. Then one day we ran into each other and afterwards he developed a crush on me. He never told me about it, but he did talk to my friends about it. By the time I found out he was already seeing somebody, but we decided to try to be friends anyway. We really got along, and I found myself thinking it was a shame that we hadn't started talking sooner. We decided to get together as friends and little did I know, I would soon start having a crush on him. But this time (he was single) but he just wasn't interested in me. He started talking to my differently after and not as much. I tried to plan a get together for him and I so he could see that it doesn't have to be awkward. Since I know there is nothing romantic between us. But he told me I tried too hard. And that he doesn't think we should get together because we don't have much in common. I just don't get what's going on in his head. Should I stop trying to be nice to him? maybe then he'll want to try to be friends again?