I wanted to start something like this a long time ago when we had several cases in a month where hopeless romantics, (and often young and impressionable) came to share their woes about their failed-from-the-start-relationships. Whether they met in a chat room, forum, or some on-line game like World of Warcraft, the one thing they all have in common is that they've invested way too much into a fantasy.
Many didn't just ask for advice, but rather in essence begged us to coddle them and tell them why their withering "relationship" was just fine, and how if "fate" or "God" should have it (ie. do it for them), things would turn out just fine.
So here's a collection of links to threads of those who believed they were the exception despite all sharing distinct similarities in their situations (thus making it all too predictable the outcome).
Should anyone else stumble across one of these threads, lemme know so we can add it to the list!