Hey, another poll!
Hey, another poll!
Will you translate option number 3 before I vote? And isn't "chicks leave me" a little cruel?
Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?
"Chicks LUVMe"-I wouldn't do that to Tone.
Sexual Deviate.
Alright, these may be weak, I was just excited to figure out the poll option.
Yea, you need to find some better polls than this Lloyd!!!
If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!
no, not really weak. just very obvious you were excited about the poll option. but maybe you could do the next with tavs as a target?
or, better still, the pickle guy?
Monday, I'll have more time. Actually Tues. Monday I'll be hung over. Hung over happy I hope. (Not hung over sad.)
Oh Lloyd... *blush*