Its been 3 months since I told my ex I had enough and I was done with it all.
Long story short I broke up with her because she refused to limit or break contact with a guy from work that she liked. She broke up with me for a week over him before she came bawling back to me. I took her back, its water under the forward.
Unfortunately, I work with her, granted I don't see her very often it still causes an emotional rush. I know she still thinks about it to, I hear from people and see random things like a facebook status or something that pertains to it. She is actually the roommate of the guy mentioned above and they are inseparable but not dating or seeing each other. People at work always ask me if they are together and I simply say "I have no idea, I don't really care."
The only time I spoke to her since the break was when she texted me telling me she had crashed her car. I asked her if she was okay and whatnot, she said she was, just shaken up. She began a pity act or at least thats how I saw it, she said something to the affect of "whats wrong with me, why am I like this?". I hadn't answered any texts or calls previously and she asked why I answered this time. I told her she was a human being and that I would always be concerned if another person got hurt. She got really upset and said "so I am just another human being to you." I told her she was only upset because it wasn't what she wanted to hear," no matter how I felt I wasn't about to say "because I love you" or something like that. She started calling me heartless and what not, I told her goodbye and haven't spoke since.
I completely ignore her at work unless it pertains to the job, I make a point of not making eye contact. Every once in a while a group of us will be standing around talking and she will walk up and always ends up standing next to me. The group will all head their separate ways and she will stand there with me not saying anything, I just turn and walk off not even acknowledging her existence.
Why do I still feel so torn up inside? I did everything but leave the country to avoid having to talk or interact with her, why can't I just forget? Yes I love her, but at the same time I have a seething hatred for how she treated me....