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Thread: Why ask this?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Why ask this?

    The guy I'm seeing says he thinks about me every night before he goes to bed. He usually texts me, it could be a simple goodnight text or telling me he misses me (it's long distance) or something like that, sometimes afew texts are exchanged where he asks about my day etc. More often than not we talk for a good hour or so on the phone as well.

    I got a text from him last night asking about my day, I replied and asked about his, he replied telling me about his day then he said he had a question for me. In his next text he randomly asked me where I see myself in a couple of years. Why would he ask this? I replied telling him that I see myself living somewhere else and doing a different job (we've talked alot lately about houses/jobs etc) and that I see myself happy. He had fallen asleep so didn't reply so I phoned him and then he phoned back shortly after when he woke up. I asked him why he asked me that and he said he just wondered. I said why and he just said he wondered that was all. I asked where he sees himself in a couple of years then and he said he didn't know. It was late and we were both tired so we only chatted for a couple of minutes or so.

    Guys, what does this mean? In the past week or so he has made comments like how if we ever ended up living together he wouldn't want my cat living with us, and how (jokingly) it's my fault he isn't eating proper meals because I don't live near him to cook him meals after work every evening. Before it went long distance I made it known that I would move one day if I had a reason to and therefore continuing to see eachother long distance wouldn't be a waste of time if things did develop. Do you think he is having second thoughts about me or could it be the opposite? Please don't say ask him because I have and he is really bad at talking about his feelings.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Is is not obvious? He wants a future with you, and is making sure you want the same thing.....he just wants to know he isn't wasting his time.

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