hey i've felt that way. now this is just an option.
why don't you guys try getting involved in something outside of your relationship.
like you go out for girls night, go to a club or a bar (if your old enough) or dinner and movies. only girls.
and have him do something with the guys, bowling, pool, bar.
this way it doens't feel like there is tension and plus it'll give you something to talk about and maybe reignite your relationship.
(question and answer of the day)
why put on this macho thing?
hello... why do you think they are the stronger species??? its the male ego. all have it. it's when they use it. lmao
hell and they wonder why there are so many lesbians today.
i think they all must of watched this movie in grade school while we watched that horrible "puberty movie" and theirs was "what to say to a girl....by men, for men"