And it's driving me insane.
"R" is my current boyfriend, although we're on the rocks, he's what I'd want to settle with in the long run. He makes sure I'm happy, he's more honest than anyone I've ever met, he's helping me out with school in every possible way he can, and we never argue. Our communication is impeccable. If we have issues, we address them right then and there and it's done. He really tries to make me happy as often as he can, since I have always though I deserved the best, I like to be treated like a princess lol. I feel so comfortable with him, to the point where we can fart around each other and joke around, and he's the most patient person ever. The negatives are though that he's definitely not attractive. He's more overweight than ever before, and well, he can't please me sexually anymore. Another issue is that he lives with his brother and a friend, and has no car, and is the farthest thing from romantic. He's 33.
"S" is the "other" guy, who represents both emotional and physical passion. Our communication skills aren't the best, and we argue a lot more than we should. I don't feel as comfortable with him though. I know he cares for me and he has never given up on trying to catch me. He's EXTREMELY romantic and passionate. Always pays attention to detail. Another thing is that he has the coolest job in the world, which is working with bands and at venues. Because of him I've been able to meet and hang out with all my favorite bands, including Trent Reznor and Depeche Mode. He also lives by himself in a nice place, loves cats, and has his own car. He's also 33.
So what the hell do I do? I basically have until tonight to make up my mind. "R" is also helping me with school, and I know without him I will fail two classes, but I don't want to factor that in as much as I feel like it's vital for me at the moment.
I feel like the relationship I have with "R" now is very safe and comforting, and he's SUCH an amazing person, that thinking about hurting him makes me feel devastated, but if I no longer find him attractive, how can it ever work? Telling someone they're fat and that you don't feel even the slightest thing during sex won't help anything.
I know "S" is more attraction than anything, and I know it would take three times more work to make the relationship last, but in some way, I feel like it might be worth it.
"R" knows I have feelings for "S" and doesn't want to give up and let me go.
What the hell do I do?