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Thread: Dating will make you crazy.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Dating will make you crazy.

    Hi Everyone,

    How can I "WOW" this new girl I am crazy about?

    I just started dating this awesome new girl (we are both 27). We met on a online personals site. Tomarrow is our 3rd date.

    For our first date, we went out to lunch. For our second date we went to her church for service and then had a picnic at the park and then went for a 2 hour walk.

    Tomarrow we are having breakfast and then going to church.

    She is a very busy person and she has 2 jobs and leads a church small group. I called her Monday after our second date and tried to make plans to see her again. She was busy every night last week and today she participated in a charity 5K walk.

    So Sunday was the soonest we could get together. I am waiting for her call right now to find out what time we are have breakfast. I am hoping to get to pick her up and not just meet at the restaurant. I want to bring her flowers. Should I bring flowers to the restaurant?

    Next week, she is working Tuesday and Wenesday and then going out of town until next Tuesday. So I am hoping we can get together Monday night but she probably need to pack.

    My stupid friend at work is telling me, if a girl likes you she will make the time to go out. This has placed doubt in my head. Maybe she doesn't feel the same way I do. I don't just want to be her friend that goes to church with her.

    I feel stupid asking this, but when it the right time for the first kiss? We hugged hello and goodbye the first two times. I want to kiss her. Do I ask her first? This is so confusing. She is 6'0" and I am 5'10" so I am a little bit nervous.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I never used a relationship site, and probably never will, but I doubt that she would be willing to go out with you a third time if she met you through a site like that and isn't interested. But you definitely should kiss her on the cheek first and see how she reacts. And when I say first, I mean when you see her at the beginning of your date. Use that as a gauge. Then at the end of your date, if you feel it's right, try to really kiss her.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I think your friend at work is teasing you about this but whether he is teasing or not don't listen. The above poster is right you should kiss on the cheek first. Also I don't think you have anything to worry about I think you could get a good relationship out of this going on what i read in your post.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I think your friend has a point but i think it sounds like she is trying to make time for you. I work crazy hours and travel a lot for my job and my friends/colleagues find that we do make time for those that we really want to, even if it is just an hour here or there. And the fact that she invites you to church with her is a very nice gesture. (good for you for finding someone that goes to church! it seems to be a rare thing) I don't know about other people, but my church is like a second family and I wouldn't take someone with me if i didn't enjoy their company. I think the above posters are correct about the kiss. I've had men kiss me on the cheek at the beginning of the date which signaled to me that he was interested and I felt more at ease to open up and give signals back to him that i was interested as well. it sounds like you are the right track! :o)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Online dating

    Wow thats a rare occasion you get someone with something positive about online dating and that.

    Hey if you are having a good time good on you haope well all are lucky and get someone who wil make us crazy in love.
    [URL="http://www.gmcmatch.com/forum/index.php"]Dating forum[/URL]
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    [URL="http://www.gmcbiz.com"]Home business opportunity[/URL] - gmcBiz.com

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