I was at a coffee shop, and the girl in front of me looked cute. She was wearing a red bow tie, a leather jacket, cute face, etc.
Because the coffee was only $1, and there was a $3 minimum, I told her, "Hey, whatever you're going to buy let me buy it so I can meet the minimum." She said that was a sweet thing to do, and she replied with, "How about I buy you your coffee?" I asked why, she said, "Because that's a nice thing you offered, and I wanted to return the kindness."
So we originally decided to chat for a few minutes because we both would have some stuff to do. I started by saying, "So I take it you don't get many people randomly offering to buy you a drink?" And she said, 'Actually, I don't get many people approaching me anywhere'. I was stunned, she looked great, seemed nice (and clearly was by what she offered), etc. So I joked, "Well, that's because the leather jacket makes you look like a bad ass who may kill someone." And she laughed.
We sat down, and she was telling me where she is from and what she does. Turns out she lived in Germany for 17 years. She said early on, and I forgot the context, how she was single and not looking to date because she's busy. Whatever, we still chatted.
Turns out we have the exact same taste in an unliked form of music. She threw out a very underground band whom I loved and she seemed super excited. She started to laugh a lot, talk a lot, asked me what I do, talked about music, etc. I asked her if she has ever been to a specific concert in Germany and that is when she looked really surprised that I even knew of it.
We chatted for about 15 minutes total, more about her work and her passions, she asked what I did (fun + work), etc. When I told her each of my interests, 2 of the 3 she replied smiling, "I hate you, always wanted to do that." And I said, "Wow, you already hate me and we don't know each other yet!" smiling. Then I told her nostrils wiggled, she sort of blushed and was giggling.
I recommended a band to her, she went to write it down, and without me asking she said, "Hey, let me give you my contact information." She entered her number into my phone, I dialed it so she had it. Her phone rang, she said, 'What was your name again?" and I said, "Jay Superman" (clearly a joke).
So she started to enter a name into the phone, but wasn't sure what she was writing. I said, "So, what are you going to write me in as?" and she smiled and said she couldn't tell me.
So I said I had to go, she waved, and that was that.