Sick and tired of spoofing and phishing - join the fight!
I am sick and tired of people soliciting my information on eBay or PayPal through these phishing and spoof schemes. I've been getting back in my own sick little way by forwarding them to my friends as I receive them. In turn, we flood their database with useless data to spoof them back. Input in information that looks real and make it hard for them to find useful information to steal. Here's the most realistic one I have seen to date (in terms of how it forwards your website traffic around):
It's really weird because if you have auto-login enabled on your eBay account, submitting the form here will forward you directly into your "pay bills" portion of eBay. Pretty convincing for the untrained eye.
Anyway, I have a lot of free time today so I've entered in about a dozen false information accounts that look pretty real. They're gonna be so pissed when their database of credit card numbers doesn't work. =)
(edited- leave the authority to do their job. End users can't do much)
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