Hello, I’m hoping to get some advice here. I will get straight to the point.
Me and my husband have been together 6 years, married for 4 of them. We also have a child together. Things were good for the first four or so years and we had a healthy sex life up until the birth of our child 3 years ago.
Since then things have been going downhill. He can’t stick at a job; he is always employed in a good job but changes them like I change my hair style. He says it’s because he wants to make things better for us and more comfortable, but we are doing fine as we are, we have a nice life.
Also, when our child was born, I had put on quite a bit of weight (which I have now lost and am back to pre baby weight and size) so this caused me to not want sex as I didn’t feel very confident or desirable. The thing is, when I started to put on the weight when I was pregnant (at least I had a sort of excuse!!) so did he. He has put on quite a lot and I have said to him he should try and lose it but it falls on deaf ears. He has no sex drive whatsoever which at the moment I am glad about as I just don’t find him attractive.
Everything he does irritates me, he doesn’t do anything around the house and when he does do something he doesn’t do it properly. He makes me feel guilty about spending my OWN money on things that I want to spend it on even though he is rubbish with money and I feel like I am looking after a baby as I have to monitor his spending every month when he gets paid to make sure he doesn’t gamble it all away (that is another story) then when I do he gets angry.
He gets angry quite a lot, he has, on occasion lashed out at me. He once stabbed me in the arm with a ball point pen, which broke the skin. He has also held me up against a wall with his hand around my neck. He hasn’t done anything physical in a long time and I do feel he won’t do it again (I know lots of women say that, but there have been plenty of chances for him to do something like that and he hasn’t in the last 6 months) but I can’t help resenting him for them things and other things he has done to hurt me both physically and emotionally in the past.
I’m not sure whether we have a future together or not. But I don’t feel any physical desire towards him and it is so frustrating now- we haven’t had sex in over 6 months and the last time we did it lasted about 5 minutes and I got nothing out of it.
I don’t know whether these issues can be worked at or not. I want to be 100% sure for mine and our Childs sake that there is no way of saving this marriage. But even after all this and decisions to be made, I don’t know whether it will even be financially possible to divorce.