so, there is this guy at work, please don't say anything about going out with people from work, my workplace is really laid back and there are several couples working there in different it's ok...

this might be long, but please read, I don't know anything about guys!

there is this guy...his name is Daniel...we work in different areas, he has been working there for 8 months and while I had noticed him before, he used to be just a co-worker...he has contact with our area and he used to go there for work related stuff and stay a few minutes for conversation...but for the last 2 months he and I have been more in contact, he hands me some information and I fill a report with it...we started getting along better and engaging in small talk while he was giving the info...

one saturday I visited his office area to talk to another person there, but I said hi to him and he said it was almost time to go and he asked what I was doing, I said I didn't know..and I started talking to a co-worker who sits next to him about something from work...then we were interrupted by someone else and Daniel asked: so what are we doing?? I said what should we do? and then the other person talked to me again and after that I left....when I was at my desk I used the office IM to ask: so, what are we doing?? he told me to suggest something and after a while of talking about what we should do he said he had something else, but that we could leave it for another day if I wanted...I said it was ok and tried to play it cool and not caring about it....

on monday I used our office IM to ask him some work related questions, then we talked a little about something random then I said I had to go, I was going out for lunch...he said: hey, invite me! I said: well, let's go, I'm going with Rose (another co-worker which he doesn't know very well) he asked who she was and I explained, he said he didn't really know her I told him she was really cool and then said: come on, let's go...he asked me to give him 5 minutes and he would meet us outside...then we went for lunch, he was quiet most of the time, he talked a little or answered questions...but not much talk...

the next day, I again used the IM for something work related and this time I decided to start small conversation about the weather or whatever...we joked for a few minutes and then got back to work...about an hour before lunch time he asked if I knew the menu of the day, we have an eating area with a cook at work...I quickly asked another co-worker and told him the menu, he then said he didn't want to eat that...I said I didn't either...he said: then what are we eating?? so we again went out for lunch, this time just the 2 of us...being just us he did talk a little more, though he is mostly quiet when he eats....

then the next day,we were talking again, IM, and I just said: the menu for today is ...and he said: ok...I said: I don't think that will be good...he said: then what do you suggest?? just then my co-workers, the ones in the same area suggested we all went out for lunch...I told him and asked if he wanted to go...he said he didn't like the place and he would stay and eat at the office...I told him we could ditch the others and go somewhere else and he agreed....

then he came by my cubicle and since I was busy he started talking to William,the guy who sits next to me...they work together on some projects and get along very well...they talked for a few minutes, then William said: hey, did you eat already? I'm eating here at the office, want to come? and Daniel moved his head towards me and said: she wants chinese...William just smiled, shrugged and left....then Daniel and I went for lunch again...

he is really nice, calm, relaxed and playful...he makes comments about other women, when he sees a pretty girl walk by...then we just laugh and then he comes up with something else...on a couple of our IM conversations he hinted something about us going out after work...but we haven't

the next couple of days I started small talk through IM for whatever reason and he would mostly ignore me...I asked him out for lunch and he said yes, but I got busy with something else and when I asked if he was ready he said he had already eaten at the office...then later that day we started talking again and I complained I had to eat alone because of him,he said we would go the next day and to think of a good place...however,the next day he said he had a stomachache...

we haven't been for lunch anymore,it's been like 2 weeks...we do talk a little when he visits my office or I visit his.. he does come through our office a few times a day, he stops by sometimes but since we went out for lunch sometimes he either playfully pulls my hair or if I'm using the keyboard he gets his hands in the middle and pushes the keys...the other day he was talking to my boss and I walked by jokingly asking him to get out of the way and the put his foot in front of me...when I was about to fall he held my hand and laughed...when I visit his office to talk to another person there he repeats what I say in a funny voice just joking with me and he laughs...when we see each other in the halls he playfully makes it seem as if he will kick me or something and laughs...he asks what I'm up to...etc..whenever I go to his office is to talk to someone else and he always turns around in his chair...he looks at me over and over while I'm talking to the other person...he finds a way to say a few words...the other day I was at the reception desk talking to a client and he came in...he looked at me, I looked back but ignored him,didnt smile or say anything...when I finished with the client I turned around and he was standing by the door to my office area as if he was waiting for me...I walked and said hi and opened the door into the office and he followed...I walked straight to my desk and he walked behind me then stood there by my desk and asked: so how did it go yesterday? I had been absent the day before, I had to go out of town....

he also notices a lot of one of our lunch conversations he said he noticed I was a very calm and relaxed person...but that he did know what made me mad...what pushes my buttons...he described it and he was right...the other day he walked by my desk and looked for something under it...he said: oh you dont have it anymore, I asked what? and he looked around my desk, I realized he was looking for a bottle of hand lotion that I keep under my desk...that time I had moved it....

thing is, I like him now...and I don't think he does,but all of those things...what do you think?? do I have a chance?? what should I do? how do I act? I really don't want him to find out, I don't have that much experience with guys...