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Thread: Confused

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Ok so im in relationship with someone for the past 6 months and we moved in together at our 4 month. Our relationship started out amazing doing crazy things like taking trips to New York City, Toronto, 5hr road trips.. (honey moon phase) Etc Etc Etc.

    One day I went on his Facebook and was reading a message between him and his best friend and how our relationship was going. He stated that the relationship was great but I was a little obsessive and he felt trapped that he had feelings for someone else and missed out with that person. (During this time he was also speaking to that person but messages were deleted). Then his friend asked if he would ever cheat on me with him and he replied back I dont know. Surprisingly I was also blocked on his MSN and he replied back saying he was watching a movie and I kept popping up .....

    I confronted him with these messages that were started in Feb and continued on till March and all he did was cry his eyes out and said hes sorry and that he has a lot of flaws in his life and how I am changing them and helping him get through things, and Im the most amazing person ever that I put up with all his crap. After that the relationship went back to the honey moon phase and was even more enjoyable prior to the findings. He also mention that he realized what kind of person I am and he realized how important I am to him. (First time on a plane was with me, took him on trips, make him breakfast etc etc *Perfect boyfriend material*).

    He then had no passwords on his cell phone and laptop to rebuild our trust... but lately his phone been gone and his laptop now requires passwords to Facebook. Which I didn't care

    .... Fast forward few days ago.

    His same friend told him that I wrote to him that I dont care about him anymore and he sent out fake photoshopped messages to my bf then the individual admitted he photoshop them..... He still speaks to this person and I kinda feel betrayed by all this. After this whole incident Im really no longer attached to him like I was. We still have great cuddling nights and have great talks every night but just like I would with any of my friends. Theres something clearly bothering me but I can't wrap my finger on it
    Last edited by pilotbg; 06-05-12 at 03:22 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Langley, BC
    ...And this is why you don't move in with someone 4 months in. My advice, get out and leave it alone, trust and suspicion are both present and probably will be indefinitely. When someone screws with the relationship very early on it shows that they probably aren't that into you.
    "All is fair in love and war." - Francis Edward Smedley

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