My boyfriend of seven years just broke up with me under a week ago, due to 'not wanting a relationship'. We have been together since we were 15 and and are leaving University in a few months, I had chosen him as my future.
All my friends have told me that he wasn't a good boyfriend to me. He would never answer his phone to me, in the last few months he barely replied to my messages. We live half an hour's drive away and we barely saw each other. I suppose after so long, I just want to see the best in someone.
He admitted he's selfish, and he cares more about making the most of his life with his mates. He wants more freedom than I could possibly give him. He didn't even tell me he'd messed up his exams, I thought that was what a parter was for, to lean on? He never asked how I was.
I know he was a bad boyfriend. But I still love him, and I see him as the person I fell in love with, and the person who I spent a week in Paris with earlier this year.
I suppose it's worth mentioning he broke up with me two and a half years in, and six months later wanted me back. I took the break up badly.
I guess what I'm struggling with is the rejection. I gave him everything he wanted and needed, I made sure I understood how he felt and I gave him space to grow. Why was that not enough?
Does anyone have an advice on how to move on from something like this? He has been a huge part of my life for so long, it's a struggle to imagine it without him.
Many thanks x