This morning my copy of the new Harry Potter book arrived and I'm deliriously happy. There's the book, there's chocolate, and I'm planning to stay in and read. Isn't that sad?
This morning my copy of the new Harry Potter book arrived and I'm deliriously happy. There's the book, there's chocolate, and I'm planning to stay in and read. Isn't that sad?
i hope he dies.. then we can start anew...
...this is just my perspective on the situation...
Yeah, I remember reading the first book when I was in like 5th or 6th grade... Which was 7 or 6 years ago... I read up to book 4 and stopped though. I liked the books though, they were fun to read
Haven't bought it yet. Don't really have time to read it. I have to get it by Friday, though, or my nine-year-old will go on strike.
Spammer Spanker
im gonna spoil it,hehe harry and ginny had 3 children.hahaha
"In 96 hours, Jack Bauer has killed 93 terrorists and saved the world 4 times. What the **** have you done with your life?"
I'm finished with the book. The ending isn't bad, but I thought it was too simple. However, I liked that she didn't give a recap of the whole story again, like she usually does.
"Ogres are like onions."
just "dl"ed the book in PDF format...still reading....but i still would like hermione and harry to hook up instead of ron and hermione. Ron's a frecklefaced jackass with orange hair. Whats actually good about him?