I am currently in a relationship with an older woman. I am 19 going on 20 and she just turned 40. I have many things in life in order and am on an excellent path. Currently, I have a 3.2 acura tl that I am driving, paid for in cash, own it. I attend college at a prestigious university, savings, stock options, and excellent physical shape (six pack abs, very nicely toned body). Anyway, I am seeking to become more serious with an older woman whom I am very attracted to. Initially, I began talking to her because she commented on how much she like my hair and wanted to run her fingers through it. And so, thats how we began talking. And she at first jokingly saying things like, Oh looking sexy. And then I thought to myself, Hey why don't I ask her if she actually is interested, maybe go out or if anything establish a new friendship. So we've been seeing each other and as things progress, I'm curious as to what's next. Can I continue seeing her and want a more committed relationship? Because I would love to have that with her, but I am not sure if she wants the same. How could I find out without directly asking her?