HI - I'm 16, so I'm not that old, but I need some advice! (:
So, I have just started at a new school, and there's this great guy (Marc)! He is exactly the type of guy I could fall for (okay, I have already.. a bit).. And I was told, at a party, by one of his guy friends (Andreas) that Marc likes me, and though I kinda had the feeling already I just don't know? We chat together on facebook, where he writes something sweet sometimes, and I have told him I like him, so I guess he wasn't.. ehh.. intimidated or something by that? He finally got the courage to text me today? And he teases me A LOT (!) and I just don't know what's going on! Sometimes when we're chatting or whatever he writes 'my friend' and it kinda bothers me 'cause I wouldn't write that to someone I liked more than 'friendly'? But still when I said it made me feel like a 4-year-old (because it's something I'd say to a little child who doesn't understand anything, it's like that in Denmark) he wrote 'my not-friend? ):' with the sad smiley? So it must have bothered him a bit? And Andreas seems a bit desperate to get us together at times, but it just seems like Marc rejects it? I just don't know what to think, 'cause I do like him, and I know he knows 'cause I told him? So can you help just a bit to find out what's going on? And I know you can't give a precise answer because you don't know the guy, and don't really know what it's like on a daily basis, but if you have some idea please share! (: