Hi. I've been lurking this site for a few days now and finally decided to ask a few questions that has been bugging me for quite some time now. I'm currently going out with a past co-worker of mine, a white Canadian. It's not really a matter of preference or me trying to get a white chick, I simply feel that Asian in the west are too culturally different. They act westernized and color their hair blond and tbpf, it's a huge a turnoff for me. I would date a FOB ( Can't seem to meet one) , or a white chick and that is that.
Anyways, We've been out twice but i still cant seem to fully understand this chick. Some Differences i noticed is that, they rarely text or call. As an attempt to not try to look desperate, I do the same thing. However, last Friday we went out for dinner..had a great time, laughs and I even manage to set up some future stuff like going out to the gym and visiting the museum. Being the gentlemen that i am and coming from a culture where chivalry is still considered attractive and not beta like my university friend called it (whatever that means). I Walked her home that night despite having to walk back for 10 damn minutes in -15c temperature. Of course, I would expect a text back or a call or something to check if i was ok. but not a single text was given. I shoot her a message today " Friday was fun. Hit me up when you plan to workout at ____" and i get no response. What does this actually mean? I remember back home, when a chick didnt like me after going out, i use to always get the truth or they continue texting too darn scared to say i don't like you. I know it might sound strange, but I'm being serious. She texted me for that second date, so i kinda thought she liked me.
Some other question.
Some chick at school asked me to chill at her place Friday night a few months ago. I'm not really dumb so i kinda know what that means, but is this a common practice with girls in the west? I swear that took me by surpirse. Back home, you normally have to date for months first before getting a chance to "chill".
How nice is too nice? I asked out a chick a a couple of months ago when i went to my relatives party and apparently i was too nice and that wasn't attractive. I could understand that, In fact i try not to be too nice with women even back home..but now here, how nice is too nice? Was fairly surprised with the party scene. Loud. I really felt a huge difference there.
Also how common are One night stands in bars? I hear alot of stories from university classmates, and on message boards about this. I always assume they are exaggerating or lying, but perhaps I'm just not used to it.