Well I finally found a girl who seems interested in me! I am not sure if I am going to date this one (okay, my instincts are kindof pointing in the 'hell no' direction). Well I was having a before-class conversation with this one, and I thought it was a good idea to add her on facebook. She added me and sent me a fairly flirty one-liner by private message. So before I responded, I took a good look at her profile to figure out what kind of girl she is.
Strike one, she has a boyfriend, but that is the smallest concern of mine thus far. I also noticed that she is a freshman premed student; so she is probably very studious, although she can't speak German very well. Strike two, I also notice that she is not fond of alcohol, and I like to drink, but not heavy. Lol, I will probably just tell her how it is if she asks; she seems to have the same mindset about alcohol as did I before my senior year in high school; very prohibitious about alcohol. The further and further I scroll down the page, I notice more and more icons of christianity; the kind that are very pompous. In her 'about me', the first thing she says is something like "First of all I would just like to clarify that I accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior!" And since I have a different worldview, I think that this might be a big issue. I am accepting of other people's religions if they are to mine; all I am saying is that I hope I don't have to talk about Jesus every time I talk to her, and that she doesn't try to force her beliefs down my throat. Strike three? Maybe?
Now, with that being said, we've messaged back and forth via facebook, and she added me on AIM. I think I am going to get on tonight and do a little talking. Before I do, though, maybe I can get some advice on how to handle these kinds of personality... attributes? I don't know what to call them.