I really don't understand how a women can want to be with you and says she loves you but cannot commit to a relationship. She is divorced from a man who cheated on her two times she knows of. One when she was pregnant with their second daughter. The divorce was 2 plus years ago. They tried to work it out put he wouldn't change so she ended up cheating on him. She says she wishes she would have just left him instead of cheating. she says it makes her feel like a bad person to have done such a thing. Now she is divorced going back to school no job and wondering about her future. She goes out a ton with girlfriends and seems to run from things alot.
I have been "dating" this young women (38) off and on for about 7 ore 8 months now. We hit it off right from the start then it seemed to turn into a roller coaster ride push pull type of things. Lets date others lets not date others. I love you I am not sure about you. Blah blah. Excuse excuse excuss. We get to gether for a few days then she pulls away.We went camping for two nights a couple weekends ago and had a good time. We get back and she freaks out telling me we shouldn't see each other anymore. I had enough and told her not to contact me any more. Lets just move on. A a couple days went by then she sent me a email addressed to a couple people. It didn't have anything to do with anything. A few more days went by and I got an email saying she was thinking about me and just wanted me to know. I replyed "I am thinking about you too and I hope you are doing well".She called me that night and asked If I could come over. I thought she maybe wants to talk but there was not much talking just some passionate sex. I stayed over and left the next morning.
She has been calling and texting me since. She calls me first thing in the morning and maybe a couple texts during the day. She calls me when she is out and wants me to come where she is. I don't. Then she calls me when she is on her way home to ask me to come over. I don't. This has been going on for a couple weeks now.
She does talk about how she doesn't know where she is going with her future and is scared about finding a job when she gets finished with school and she knows she is a mess and has called her therapist but has not made an appointment. She is a mess. She text me last night to say she loves me but cant seem to be in a relationship.
She is taking her girls out of town for the week. I feel releaved I will not have to deal with her for the week. I do Love her and care about her But....
I am not sure if this will ever be something.
Her dad passed away when she was in her late teens and her mom lives next door to her since the devorce.
She grew up moving from place to place internationally for her fathers job. Maybe she can't get attached?
Do most women go through this kinda of stuff after a bad divorce. Will she ever have a good relationship.
Is she just not ready?