How'd to sort it? Or is it something you'll always be prone to do?
How'd to sort it? Or is it something you'll always be prone to do?
Live together. Die alone - [url][/url]
It's easier to focus with a schedule.
Did someone call me? I just saw my name.
Whaddya' study at College?
Live together. Die alone - [url][/url]
Some people procrastinate because they are more productive under pressure.
I tend to make lists of things that I want to get done that day, and cross them off as I do them.
I work better at night when it's peace and quiet... nobody to bother me.
I work better under pressure, but it doesn't mean I have to right?
Live together. Die alone - [url][/url]
Nope, your choice.
Eurgh, it's so damn hot in England. I want the rain BACK.
Live together. Die alone - [url][/url]
I work well under pressure too. I am not trying to torture myself on purpose it is just how I function. I noticed that I get about the same results no matter. I do like making lists especially when I cannot afford to procrastinate but the list have that same effect of feeling pressured to meet deadlines.
People might disagree, but sometimes a little teeny bit of procrastination can actually be good--if you can work under pressure. But making lists of things to do in order of priority really helps me to fight procrastination.