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Thread: Who Do You Miss?

  1. #106
    anachronistic's Avatar
    anachronistic Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by misombra View Post
    i don't like heineken either.

    doesn't sound like you get a good variety of beer where you're living.
    I don't. During the summer, I live around a bunch of hicks who love Bud Light. I don't mind the stuff, but these people drink to get drunk. I drink because I love beer... and Jäger... and Rum... and yum. And my college is in a small college town. You know what that means... cheap shitty beer and cheap shitty liquor.

    Quote Originally Posted by shh! View Post
    The Germans drink their beer warm. Gross.
    Their beer is so yummy that they CAN drink it warm. I've drank beer warm. If you really have the aquired taste, you don't mind at all. I think that's why I didn't like Heineken though... drank it warm. 4 of them. I ddin't mind it at first... but after #3 I started hating it. After #4 I gave the other 2 away.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aegis View Post
    If you don't like heineken, steer clear of beck's & grolsch & pilsner urquell, especially grolsch. They're basically more extreme versions of heineken.
    Come to think of it, I've had Pilsner, and I love the stuff. I don't see the comparison with Heineken.

    My buddy came back from France, after Christmas break, and he had a big old bottle of some fancy ale. I don't know what it was, but damn it was good. I just let it sit in my mouth for like 10 minutes. ohhhh

  2. #107
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    I dunno, maybe I can't remember, but I seem to have lumped them all in the same file under "thin, bitter lager"

    *with heineken being the most palatable of the four.

  3. #108
    anachronistic's Avatar
    anachronistic Guest
    Well everybody tastes things differently... like everyone sees things differently.

    I wouldn't say Heineken was bitter. Guinness would be bitter to me. I love bitter. Heineken just tasted like a horrible flavoring agent to me. Maybe I drank the bad apples in the bushel, or something?

  4. #109
    Gribble's Avatar
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    All over the damn place.
    Yuengling has become my favorite beer.
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  5. #110
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    Okay, all this talk of beer. I'm going to the local bar and drinking 4 pitchers of cheap beer to get drunk.

    That's a lie. I'll drink like 2 pitchers and decide it's enough.

    Yeungling's all I get when I go out east, since it doesn't get much distribution around here, though actually one of the local stores started carrying it, so I really have no excuse. I just like Spaten & Unibroue more, and killians if I'm just at a regular grocery store.

    I feel like such a beer snob, or a drunk. Both kinda, I guess. lol
    Last edited by Aegis; 26-07-08 at 09:32 AM.

  6. #111
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    ahh damnit. If I get drunk, I'm gonna smoke. And then I'm gonna feel like shooting myself through the lungs to get more air while swimming on monday. argh!
    If I don't drink, I wanna play warcraft, but if I do that, I'll have an active account for a whole month, and so my life will pretty much go back on hold. Friday nights always suck. Always the same bullshit. Trying to choose between the lesser of twelve thousand evils. I could call up that girl and further develop some half-assed relationship that I'm just gonna kill again. gfg.
    Last edited by Aegis; 26-07-08 at 09:40 AM.

  7. #112
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    Did you give up smoking, aeg?

  8. #113
    anachronistic's Avatar
    anachronistic Guest
    I am probably an alcoholic. My father is. I'd say I am a beerholic. Usually drink 1-2 a day, and on the weekends maybe 20 total.

  9. #114
    DoesntMatter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anachronistic View Post
    I am probably an alcoholic. My father is. I'd say I am a beerholic. Usually drink 1-2 a day, and on the weekends maybe 20 total.
    You should REALLY consider cutting back for a while, like maybe go without drinking for a month or two to see how easy it is, kind of like a test to make sure you aren't an alcoholic. At the end of last year I thought I was starting to drink too much also, although in my case it was rum. I stopped for a while to make sure I wasn't becoming an alcoholic, and I think you should do that too

  10. #115
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    I never smoke until I'm certifiably *drunk*. I get drunk and chain-smoke, and this past winter I was drunk alot.

    Haven't been drunk in about a month now, and I'm really freakin' itchy for it. I should go back to that bar and not get drunk and see if I can hit on that queen.

    ...er, waitress.

  11. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aegis View Post
    Haven't been drunk in about a month now, and I'm really freakin' itchy for it.
    Well if you're "itching" to get drunk, that means you shouldn't for your own good

    BTW are you talking about smoking tobacco or what?

  12. #117
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    Alcohol and tobacco are made for each other.

  13. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by shh! View Post
    Alcohol and tobacco are made for each other.
    At least the government thinks so (ATF, Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms)

  14. #119
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    I never thought of it that way, but I am certainly more likely to shoot someone if I've been drinking.

  15. #120
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    yeah, marlboro reds particularly..it's hilarious...of my friends, I'm the non-smoker, until I'm drunk and then I pull out cowboy-killers. ahahah, I figure if I'm gonna do it, I should do it up. It's kinda scary though when, if I bumb a light cigarette, it feels like I'm sucking on air.

    And the ATF always cracked me up. What a fantastic combination.

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