Going on 6 years now. She was very shy when I met her (surprise right?) Now, she's a sexual machine. I think great sex brings out the animal in women.
Crappy sex? Meh.
But before that? Shit man they all overlapped (because I cheated each time)
Creating new relationships on top of old ones never realizing that the high I got from doing this: was the illusion that *I* was actually loving them.
Maybe, maybe not.
Not that I'm trying for a position of some sort, but I'm curiuos how you come to this conclusion. Women have been calling men names for ages. Some of our -natural- traits are viewed as faulty or just bad. Our sex drive, and aggressive traits are often used to label men, as a whole, as offending creatures by some women.
Picking on PMS is no different if we want to be fair, no?
Granted, there are men who already fault women for pms, but my experiance tends to count them at fewer numbers.
And why can't promiscuity be appropriate? Is there something fundamentally -wrong- with having sex? This is one of those things that have been... colored by religion and stigma.
Consider eating pork, a big no-no for some religions.
I'm personally far more offended by manipulating someone to get sex.
Asking is more a current issue than historical. Even historically, it varied greatly depending on situation.
I think more women know what equality means than you think. One problem is that many abuse it to get what they want. Another is that legally, women have more rights than men. Yet another, is that yes, men -can- be pigs.
I don't really believe finger pointing is constructive.
Equal right are still a fairly new concept, and there's going to be -alot- more back and forth before men and women can really start treating each other more equally.
Really not sure what you're trying to say here.
I'm just going to leave this one alone. For this thread anyways.
Last edited by Regnent; 27-02-11 at 12:29 AM.