^ That's why it's in the OFF-TOPIC section .
Plus, you haven't responded to my post yet.
^ That's why it's in the OFF-TOPIC section .
Plus, you haven't responded to my post yet.
This is definitely a good thing. Other countries are so incredibly homogenous I can't even comprehend living in some of those places. Even though those off-the-wall liberals who won't stop stressing diversity annoy me because they act like it's the greatest thing under the sun, it really is good.
You can't say "American culture is this" or "American culture is that" because we have no culture. When people try to portray our culture, it's usually rural US south, like someone else said, McDonald's, NASCAR, etc (BTW, nothing at all wrong with either of those).
The traditions, values, and culture that my family has is vastly different from either of my neighbors and the old couple living across the street. I don't think you can say the same about most other countries (except Canada, maybe Australia idk never been there).
My culture consists of things like watching Family Guy, eating when I'm hungry (any type of food), MoH:AA hardcore (not anymore), skiing and paintball with my friends. You get to choose your culture, can't be any better than that.
^ As long as it doesn't cause conflict, like here... In Peru, we basically have six cultural origins: the Andean (the Incas were their best sample), the Spaniard (colonization), the Black (brought as slaves by Spaniards back in the 17th century), the Chinese (who immigrated massively about 150 years ago) and the mestizo, which are mix of all of the above. To that, you need to add the Amazon tribes.
In Peru, and disgracefully, this have caused conflict: People are racist between them and stereotypes often cover normal reasoning. Hopefully, we will be over that some day, but I don't think it will be soon.
ah i forgot. honestly i've lost my steam but i'll respond.
i'd like to see more evidence. the fact that it's an article from the UK makes me a little suspicious because they could have embellished certain aspects of a game. i made a mistake and should have said "while in america we do have some violence, it's not to the degree to outside of the country like riots in the streets and cities, but inside the field,ring,court, etc."
besides, UK does not speak for all of europe and i personally haven't heard of too many riots in the British Isles overall, but places like italy and germany i've heard of, and riots in south america because of football/soccer games are ridiculous. with media here, there is no need for any writings to embellish and over-do the riots for football/soccer game: they've already got them on tape. people get on the fields and fight, climb and topple fences, throw all types of debri(sp?) and looting. i believe if we had riots, we'd report on them and we probably have already. still it's not as frequent as the football/soccer games.
here, its like if someone wants to prove their "manhood" then do something in the least bit productive and be in Mixed Martial Arts, or do Boxing, or play American Football. this seems more frequent than other countries.
dont forget, i'm NOT saying that all americans are like this and they'll do the "right thing by doing a violent sport", so dont bring up another article showing how "gangs are violent and never do sports" or something. there's exceptions to almost everything on earth.