Well, to be fair all comments should never be taken seriously but leave to (wait for it)
2 emotionally out of control women to take things the wrong way and defend an entire nation based on its ****ing language!
I mean wow, could you imagine what these women could accomplish if they directed all of this pent up sexually frustrated behavior into actual issues that truly matter?
Azure, on a serious note: please watch the latest drawn together movie.
I think you need to relax just a little.
Then answer this: what is your current relationship status: how many total relationships have you had: how many of them ended? (Ended = failure)
You admitted it yourself you are probably going to end up alone because you judge men far too prematurely to even know how they would be when you
base the criteria on: appearance solely. Exactly. A big huge, yawn from me to all of your dung spewing.
last, stop filling this thread with your posts that are off topic, I will do the same and either PM me or stay on topic. Thank you.
hehehehehehehe. WOW! you "men" hate on females like apeshyt. omg, this is insane, especially how i keep saying WHY ARE PPL CALLING ME A WHORE (QWERTZ) when you don't even know me! i think ive said like at least 10 times. I do know other languages you dumbass, let me quote myself from about 10 posts ago "Ire necas ipse" Abite!" Figure that one out you unsocial blobs.lol.
]Don't hate on me, because five decades ago, you were the ones getting rejected, and now you have some grudge against all females, who reject people like yourselves. : ]
SELFLESS N HUMBLE, who are you to speak of anyones relationships, when YOU DONT KNOW THEM! Hop off your posts are off topic, STOP SIPPIN YOUR HATERADE AND GET A JOB!
I think you'd make a good actor, since you like acting like your tough shit.
Last edited by waitimConfused; 25-02-11 at 05:57 AM.
Is that the best you can do....hit with 'personal' shit?? lol
Mind your business what my current relationship status is, how many relationships I've had and how they ended...what the heck does it have to do with you, ...keep ya nose outta my business.
What does my life have to do with my telling you that if you don't like the English language, then you are free to learn another?
I said I'd probably end up alone and because I'm too fussy and because I find that I'm not attracted to many guys I see. Physical attraction is the 'initial' attraction and if I aint feeling it physically or sexually, then I'm not interested in taking it further, no....that is the same for EVERYONE is it not??
Last edited by xxazurexx; 25-02-11 at 06:04 AM.
Don't believe I did....ast, stop filling this thread with your posts that are off topic, ...
You DID that...
lmfaoooooooooooooo. thts freaky. O.o
guess it just goes to show, the length that people will go to , to feel right. : p