Bathroom pics always make me wanna take a shit.
Bathroom pics always make me wanna take a shit.
"Why are you an atheist?"
"because I paid attention in science class."
sorry I didnt know , I was kinda embarassed to take my cosplay pics in the bathroom but I have noone that will go out and take the pics of me lol. I also wanted to do some different poses for my character to see how to do it for our photoshootgroup but I couldn't. ^^
pooker says:
"What style of jeans do you guys get? The lady was touchy in the mall with fittings and stuff.... I like the ones that are baggier at the bottom and I don't want it to hug my bottom leg."
I like boot cut b/c they fit well and earn you extra points with the ladies if you have a nice ass. You can't go wrong with the vintage look. Here's an example:
"Yeah I think I kinda came off strong, I sent her a message on myspace telling her I liked her and I have not heard back and she logged on. "
oh what it is to be young and naive. You messed up by telling her you like her. Never admit your feelings to a girl. It's better to leave them guessing than lay all your cards out on the table.
"What about wearing stuff like an arm band or something? Do you think maybe something like that, that is inexpensive could make me unique?"
sounds dumb. Unless it carries a special meaning to you (e.g. belonged to a family member), something like an arm band screams "I'm desperate for attention."
"Yeah being confident takes practice, I have been trying lately to stand with more poise I normally crouch over."
confidence is a lot more than just posture. It's also how you act and converse with others. The best way to improve your confidence is to force yourself to socialize with people. Join a club, get a job, volunteer, go to parties, do something. Don't just sit at home or be quiet in school and expect girls to approach you.
"Here is me in some cosplay, this is what I will be wearing when I meet her. I will have blue hair and a jaw bone type thing on my face he is grimmjow."
shh! says:
"I don't think it is what brand you wear so much as it is HOW you wear the clothes. Overpriced jeans don't help if you have no confidence, and regular jeans are fine if you have a healthy self-concept."
sure, you keep believing that. Why do I have a feeling you're full of shit?
edit: this is my 1,000 post in my 4 yrs of being at LF. Woohoo!!!
Last edited by NeoSeminole; 30-07-08 at 04:43 PM.
Okay yeah I feel stupid for saying that now to her I like those style of jeans
ZOMG you watch bleach? I love zaraki but I have no idea how to do his hair lol
duuude no!!!
Of the pages of advice I gave you, you had to ignore the one bit that mattered most?
Buddy when I tell you I've been there I mean it. You seriously can't just go "oh I like you." out of no where. You have to build up a rapport, she has to comfortable around you, you have to pick up on a ton of signs before you even so much as ask her out, let alone blurt something like that out. Think of it like exping up in an RPG. You don't go fight the boss when you're lvl 1 or it's game over. You have to do some leveling up first. And leveling up means talking to her and doing things with her in person, none of this AIMing garbage.
With regard to the discussion on jeans that look all torn up and stained, you probably can't pull that look off (in fact, some of them really are so outrageous that nobody can pull it off). Avoid those styles and go with the more plain, clean look. The pair Neo posted up looks good, though for you I'd even try to find something without the fraying on the legs. For someone like yourself it might say "I'm trying too hard" if the style is too catchy. Again, the whole point is to look presentable and not to draw negative attention.
Boot cut is good. Anything tighter than that kinda stands out a little much for you right now, and anyway it doesn't seem your style as you've said yourself.
Sht.. you know you're fkin oldschool when the last series you watched was Initial D LOL.. I'm just about as out of touch as "shh!" hahaha.
I dunno, because they want to look like guys such as myself who really do work on their cars and end up covered in Real Grease & Oil & Dirt regardless of what they're wearing? Hahaha.
But seriously let's keep it on topic and stop cluttering up the thread with pointless squabble over fashion. Where are the moderators on this forum?
Heck man I was feeling good, I wanted to start a relationship quicker and I paid for it. Yeah I feel like I might of seriously creeped her out to. Oh well live and let learn hopefully this can be mended, I shouldn't of jumped the gun and I regretted it the minute I hit "submit comment".
The OP wants to improve his appearance - discussion of fashion is therefore not off topic.
It definitely would've been easier if you hadn't done that, but it can still be fixed I think. Post up the gist of what you msg'd her with (I don't use myspace but please tell me that "comment submission" wasn't public...) and we'll see if we can't give you some advice.
And on that note, I'm going to finish off my 425 assignment so I can sleep. Anyone know how to implement an amplifier with differential output using only two op-amps and a resistor? LOL!
It's offtopic if all they're posting is their opinion on how contemporary society holds torn and dirty-looking clothing in high regard. It doesn't matter what society thinks, it's what happens to be the norm and it's not up to us to change the world. Certainly not in this thread.
Faded jeans should only be worn by very skinny people. They make you look heavier. And skinny leg jeans should be out-lawed. Almost no one looks good in them.
Last edited by shh!; 30-07-08 at 10:55 PM.
might work for this kid he is skin and bones!
baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.