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Thread: im 19 years old, virgin... am i a loser?

  1. #46
    Junket's Avatar
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    Yahoo is powered by Google, so why not just go to the source?

  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee
    Yahoo is powered by Google, so why not just go to the source?
    Well, it was actually dictionary.com so bah!. Yahoo did sound funnier though.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  3. #48
    Junket's Avatar
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    Dictionary.com...makin' me look smarter than I really am with every post.

  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee
    Dictionary.com...makin' me look smarter than I really am with every post.
    Why is that?. Its not google.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins
    LoL, he just quoted everything I said line by line. First of all how come you think my goal was to prove that people who dress well do not get girls?. That wasn't it. It has been 2 or 3 posts that I have not answered what kind of people make me want virgins mainly because I just dont care....if you must know though...you and santa clause...I dont know why..his fat-ness makes me want a virgin and your hypocricy as well. Why? I dont know and do not care. Oh...and I know I am ringing your bell..thanks to your book length replies lol.

    I also didnt google it. I don't use google. I yahoo you moron.
    Awe and you were dancing so well

    Don't give up now, I love free entertainment

    Finally come full circle, do you even remember what you were arguing with me about then?

    I love the cooment about the replys. If I just didn't respond you would be like "oh see I told him", I respond and you say "lol I made you type a lot haha".

    That is very cute if a tad overdone

    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins
    I am set on pwning you? ..suuuuuure...you keep telling yourself that. Dont bother explaining anything any other way...either way you explain it you are still wrong.
    I'm so wrong yet you can't seem for the life of you to say why.

  6. #51
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    Don99 - Have you posted on any thread besides this one? Because someone should warn you that OV will devote the entire rest of his life to arguing with you about... well, whatever it is you guys are arguing about.

  7. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by shh!
    Don99 - Have you posted on any thread besides this one? Because someone should warn you that OV will devote the entire rest of his life to arguing with you about... well, whatever it is you guys are arguing about.
    Yeah I realized this on his 2nd reply, been on the net for 11 years now. I still think these kinda arguments are fun from time to time.

  8. #53
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    OK, then. Carry on while I go grab some popcorn...

  9. #54
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    shh! how you doin today? (:

  10. #55
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    Hi, Tone! Busy day ahead for me; my classes are starting on Monday. Have any plans for the weekend?

  11. #56
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Yeah I have a lot of movies to watch. Probably mow my mom's lawn after work, then go home, work out, change, and going to see Skeleton Key.. should be scaaaaary.

    And I'm playing the Jaguars with my 9-1 Titans.

    We'll see what else happens!

    What classes are you taking? Stuff to do with RN, no?

  12. #57
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    I'm taking Anatomy and Physiology in the same semester (and I DON'T love science!). I am hoping I won't be wrecking my GPA by doing this, and I suppose I will be having to cut down on my internet addiction.

    Are you registering for any class(es) this semester?

  13. #58
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    No... probably next semester, if at all..

  14. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Don99
    Awe and you were dancing so well

    Don't give up now, I love free entertainment

    Finally come full circle, do you even remember what you were arguing with me about then?

    I love the cooment about the replys. If I just didn't respond you would be like "oh see I told him", I respond and you say "lol I made you type a lot haha".

    That is very cute if a tad overdone

    I'm so wrong yet you can't seem for the life of you to say why.
    Now your just boring me. YOu keep repeating the same shit over and over again

    Quote Originally Posted by shh!
    and I DON'T love science!
    What!?. Why not?
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  15. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins
    Now your just boring me. YOu keep repeating the same shit over and over again
    Yeah, there is no reason to change what you are saying when it is the truth.

    Most guys that are really into computers don't really put much effort into their appearance. Those that do, have greater success with woman.

    Everyone realizes this but you.

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