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Thread: All I want for Christmas...

  1. #46
    vashti's Avatar
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    "Vishnu"? Vishnu is a Hindu god! It's V-A-S-H-T-I, nomas! I am glad to see you back! How was/is Mexico? You should start a thread to tell us what you've been up to.

  2. #47
    Join Date
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    Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico
    I always searched for a nickname for you when you were Shh! and you always rejected them..vashti reminds me of vishnu...(I was aware of the Hindu reference thanks to the Simpsons, I think..)..so I'm keeping vishnu.

    Mexico was and is good. I live here now!

    But I'm not cocky enough to start a thread all about my adventures...I'll just mention stuff as I think of it. The point is I'm finally living down here, I'm renting a place and see my friends daily, just like I predicted and was going for.

    Why'd you change your name? Lost your old password?

  3. #48
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    arty- sorry babe. you'll have to come out in the summer time! green chili season is over. come backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!

  4. #49
    vashti's Avatar
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    Nomas: No - I never really liked the old one, and I was considering changing it for quite a while, anyway. The rest was Lloyd's fault.

    By all means call me vishnu. It's not everyday one calls me god!

    Are you working? Are you staying in Mexico? Do you have family there?

    Hi, misombra!

  5. #50
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    nomas- cool. i hope to see you around more often. you can ask everybody i've been crying for you to come back. how's everything going?

  6. #51
    Join Date
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    Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico
    Everything's good. Whatever, who was crying?? I did see you and vishnu say you missed me...made me feeel special..thanks, buddies.

    Don't you guys know, though, I came to Chihuahua to LIVE for a while..like a couple of years. you really need to get down here while you have a host. I'm renting a house on my own cuz my friends backed out in the last minute, but it's more comfy for me this way..better, I think.

    I'm not working a real job just yet..but I'm not looking for something too serious yet, I've got a couple of trips planned for next year..and I plan to grow out my hair again. Mainly I don't want to loose the element of freedom. I just want to survive, and from there on, we'll see.., oh, and yes, I have friends and family here..almost all my family and virtually all my friends..with a couple of notable exceptions...

  7. #52
    Join Date
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    oh you guys are all here!!!

    let's go to the chat room.............................................. ....

  8. #53
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    Where you live
    Quote Originally Posted by nomas
    Everything's good. Whatever, who was crying?? I did see you and vishnu say you missed me...made me feeel special..thanks, buddies.

    Don't you guys know, though, I came to Chihuahua to LIVE for a while..like a couple of years. you really need to get down here while you have a host. I'm renting a house on my own cuz my friends backed out in the last minute, but it's more comfy for me this way..better, I think.

    I'm not working a real job just yet..but I'm not looking for something too serious yet, I've got a couple of trips planned for next year..and I plan to grow out my hair again. Mainly I don't want to loose the element of freedom. I just want to survive, and from there on, we'll see.., oh, and yes, I have friends and family here..almost all my family and virtually all my friends..with a couple of notable exceptions...

    Now that's what I want for Christmas- to visit you.

    But how about April? I took some time off in April.

    Misombra- heck yeah, how about September again? First Saturday of the month, wine fest..

    When are you going to come up here? I've gotten a brand new futon with the extra cash I'm earning so I can accomodate your stay with a nice soft mattress... I'll get a tempuredic pad so it'll nice and comfy for ya.
    "Ogres are like onions."

  9. #54
    Junket's Avatar
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    I could go for a new pair of boots.

    Or an Xbox 360.

  10. #55
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by artyemi

    Now that's what I want for Christmas- to visit you.

    But how about April? I took some time off in April.

    Misombra- heck yeah, how about September again? First Saturday of the month, wine fest..

    When are you going to come up here? I've gotten a brand new futon with the extra cash I'm earning so I can accomodate your stay with a nice soft mattress... I'll get a tempuredic pad so it'll nice and comfy for ya.


  11. #56
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lloyd95
    What is this?! Why are are the women so accepting to change?

    look under my name! i am the original shh! fan... once i'm out of the denial phase maybe i'll change it to vashhhhhhh.

  12. #57
    Join Date
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    Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico
    April sounds good, Arty. I've actually proposed the same month to another friend because Holy Week is usually off here in Mexico..but it depends on where I end up working, but you know you just have to work out the details via email and we can work it out.

    Frisbee..you are the original boot's fan..how many pair do you own, I wonder...

  13. #58
    Illusional's Avatar
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    finally, finally we are planning another trip to japan. hahah zekk will be jealous, again.

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

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