Wow, that's too bad. Was it because of this problem, or was it something else?
Wow, that's too bad. Was it because of this problem, or was it something else?
My problem was the core of the cause. It was too late to prove anything to her, she made up her mind, and no amount of reasoning was going to change anything. Oh well.
For how long did this go on before you tried to fix it?
A bit over a month. It wasn't till she was ready to break up with me that she told me how it made her feel (that I was treating her like property, etc). So yeah, by the time I realized how critical it was, it was too late.
god that sucks. and she didn't even believe that it wasn't really you doing it?
sazzya1987: it doesn't work that way. people with this problem can't stop themselves, it's just a condition.
Only a month? Are you sure there were no other factors? Because this reaction sounds extreme.
She's too sensitive.
she didn't believe that he was doing it in his sleep, for one thing.
I find that odd. Mostly when people sleepwalk or talk, you can totally tell that there's something not 'normal' or 'awake' about how they do it. maybe not in this case?
I don't know - when I read about this in nursing school, I remember the book saying that the sex acts are often aggressive and semi-violent.
Last edited by misombra; 11-08-07 at 02:29 AM.
baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.
...okay, getting naked in the locker room, gang showers...okay, that is NOT GAY.
Getting naked in bed with a woman and another guy...maybe not gay...but I have no interest in seeing another guys' body or smelling his testosterone, or being anywhere near his "discharge."
I'm so glad that most women like the male body...because as a guy, I gotta say...we are a stinky lot. Women, however, can smell quite sweet and taste delicious.
Heterosexually yours,