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Thread: new career path.

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    wow most of you think this is ethical. i personally think it's an absolutely rotten thing to do but i'm rotten and i'm chasing paper and i don't give a fukc.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    It's hardly unethical to catch a cheater. You're not manufacturing evidence and you won't break any laws to find the truth. I think you'd be providing a service to people. You could save lives! Think of the STDs you could save innocent people from catching!
    Spammer Spanker

  3. #48
    vashti's Avatar
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    ... you could also sell the cheaters condoms at an inflated rate to increase your profits. If they refuse to buy, you could threaten to tell their spouse they were having unprotected sex...
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    you get 15% and i make sure your husband never finds out about gerbil.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  5. #50
    vashti's Avatar
    vashti is offline Hot love muffin guru
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    Wow, you are the best co-worker I ever had.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    somebody just told me their girlfriend works for a PI. she took some thousand dollar class. anybody want to invest in my business?
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer View Post
    Why didn't you come up with this three years ago? I would've hired you. Pics would'e been SWEET.

    God, I know so many people who have cheated. I think you might be on to something.

    When you catch one, you can come back here and tell us your sordid stories. I'd love to see those ****ers get their dues.
    do you think i'd get some kind of reputation and people would start recognizing me after a while?
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    In my house
    You should save the money you would waste on a class and just play on people's fears. Make some booklets for men and women, with cases of cheating.

    For her:

    "Wife awarded custody of children and $15 million after finding out her husband was having an ongoing affair for 4 years! Susan was happily married for 8 years to her husband Tom. However, she started to notice that something was different about Tom lately. Sometimes he would be more affectionate than usual, while other times he would not seem to be giving her enough attention. She started to get paranoid that Tom wasn't being the exact same way every single moment of the day, so she hired a private investigator. After just two months, the private investigator realized what a great guy Tom was and they started to have an affair. The private investigator threatened to tell his wife if he wouldn't continue to see her. Four years later, Tom realized he couldn't keep doing this, so he ended it. That's when Susan realized she was right, when she had private investigator "misombra" show up on her doorstep with what the court called "an orgy of evidence". Susan said this should be a lesson to all women that you can just never trust your husband, and she would have never realized what a cheating jerk she was married to if it wasn't for the honest and noble work of misombra. Isn't it about time you hired a private investigator today?"

    For him:

    "Listen buddy, have you seen how your wife looks lately? Of course not, you're too busy looking at other women. You won't sleep with her, what makes think think anyone else will? You'd rather just invest the money in a gym membership or personal trainer; then come back and maybe we'll talk. For all you know, she's probably already hired me to investigate you! Cheater!"
    Last edited by Asparagoose; 26-11-08 at 02:58 AM.

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    oh man that shit has me rollin.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Austin, TX
    A business catching cheaters? That sounds awesome!

    So a bit of a side-story, I was brought up by only my mom. A huuuge chunk of my childhood was spent watching my mom, as she secretly investigated her bfs to see if they were cheating. My mom would go the entire 9 yards too! She knew their password for their voicemail, email password, she checked their caller id, checked their garbage can, drive out of her way to see if her bf was where they told her, I even remember one instance where she was sniffing pillows....

    Being younger, and much more trusting, I would try to convince my mom she hasn't found anything, and they are not cheating.

    Turns out, I was always wrong. Nearly every guy my mom dated, ended up not being able to keep their dick in their pants. It was really disturbing, actually.

    misombra, if your worried about not having enough business, I really, really don't think you have anything to worry about. I think a huge lot of the ****ers out there, are cheaters. Wealthy/poor/assholes/'nice guys' .... they fall to their temptations...

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