I prefer a classy guy who behaves like a gentleman and can banter intelligently, not a guy with swag who doesn't know how to properly put on his pants.
I seriously can NOT stand this whole SWAG phenom! For Christ's sake, swag does NOT mean, shitty, ugly hat, skinny jeans, gangster look, or whatever the hell else all you ignorant minds thing it does! SWAG means STYLE! And it can differ from person to person. To me, a person with swag, is someone who looks sexy in a suit, in their own casual clothing, and in absolutely nothing at all STOP generalizing the word, and start using it got what it actually should mean!!!
Sorry it's not the 1940's when gay meant happy.....the terms have different meanings now....Google swag and you won't see a suit anywhere. but I did find this......
I always thought that swag was a type of god awful looking lamp that hung from the ceiling that was popular during the 1960's and 70's lol
Believe it of not some dumb ass bought this thing.
Only silly teenage girls like guys with a "swag" look. In my opinion I think it looks immature.
Who, you smackie9?
Ha I do like the retro stuff but not kitsch.
Men in suits are hot. My man makes his suits look good. It turns me into fem-goo when I see him like that.
Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
--Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh
I don't get why attractive girls prefer the stupid, douche, "swag" type of guy.
As evidenced by the replies to this moronic post - they don't. What are you confused about?