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Thread: What went wrong ?

  1. #46
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    Its funny you said that because i was thinking of ringing him instead of texting him.i would be nervous though.
    its his day off work tomorrow,so it might be the best time.its just that last time i text him i said if he didnt reply to me,i wouldnt text him again.mind you,i didnt say i wouldnt ring him...

    I would worry incase he doesnt answer the phone though

    should i ask him if ive done anything wrong if i phone him,and ask why he hasnt been intouch too?

    if it goes through to voicemail,should i leave a message on it ?.Also if i phone him,he will know its me ringing,as i would be ringin his mobile number,so dont know whether to ring him on my house phone,as he doesnt know that number
    Last edited by bethfromEngland; 27-10-07 at 03:49 AM.

  2. #47
    vashti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Promiscuousboy View Post
    Beth, I feel sorry for you. The reason I do is you feel this much sorry for yourself about a guy you hardly even know!

    Go out, do something! Don't ever let this kind of incident get you down again. This is what dating is like.. If you really miss this guy SO much, give him a call and ask him if he would like to see you again. And apologize for coming of the wrong way. Call him, don't send a text, that's just too impersonal.

    If you do this, please let me know how it works out!
    Are you crazy? I bet you are the guy who gives the alcoholic a drink after he's been on the wagon for a while.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  3. #48
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    what do you mean,vashti ?

    thank you ,promiscuousboy,i appreciate your help

  4. #49
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    We mean that we're stunned this thread is still on. To quote Miso (who wisely avoided posting): This thread is sucking. Next!

  5. #50
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    well i hope you never like anyone then or they like you,not like you'd understand

  6. #51
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    All over the damn place.
    Women like you make me wish I were gay.

    I feel so sorry for that poor guy who took you out. A single date and you're obsessed beyond all reason. Learn to control yourself, to reign in those wild emotions. Otherwise you'll never get beyond a first date with anyone decent.
    God, so atrocious in the Old Testament, so attractive in the New--the Jekyl and Hyde of sacred romance.
    -Mark Twain

    If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
    -Albert Einstein

  7. #52
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    beth, are you for real? I'm having a hard time buying that someone who can turn on a computer and type anything approaching English, however poorly punctuated, is really this thick.

    How is it possible that you don't understand these simple social niceties? You've really never considered what "letting her down easy" might mean, and appreciated the kindness behind the gesture? Really?

    My daughter is nine years old and is already far more adept than you are at reading between the lines. There's a phrase we here at LF use for women like you. Would you like to know what it is?

    Bunny boiler.
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  8. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by bethfromEngland View Post
    well i hope you never like anyone then or they like you,not like you'd understand
    What I understand is you're being a bit of an attention whore. Making a big deal out of something trivial. If I were able, I'd close this thread, there's nothing new being posted & ppl are starting to get pissed at you, in case you hadn't noticed. Why don't you do the decent thing & thank everyone for their advice, b/c several ppl gave you their time & experience, and go see if you can help someone else on this site? Its not all about you.

  9. #54
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    Well, I guess I'm kind of a mean girl, because I've lost patience with her and want to see how far she pushes the others...
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  10. #55
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    Ah. Training. Heh.

  11. #56
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    well if thats kind,i wouldnt like to know what his definition of being cruel is.its cowardly and selfish.And how can you know after one date that you should stop ? for gods sake,give it a chance.Idiot,he is.you are supposed to be keen at the beginning anyway,then it wears off much later,and just because the first date might not have gone right,doesnt mean the next one wont.ok,another thing,he did say he was nervous about the date before we went,but looked forward to it too,and that he is shy at first.well im shy and i was nervous,but i wouldnt give up after one date.if i like someone im willing to give it a try.And if thats thr reason,well i think that could have been worked out.And i have admitted i feel bad if i have done something wrong which is why i would like to apologise to him if i have

    And he was 'obsessed' as you put it in the beginning,so dont say it was just me.He sent me loads of texts this one night saying he missed me over and over,and we hadnt even been on the date then,and he was texting everyday loads of times

    It is possible to like anyone.i have even known people who have liked someone on holiday,you gonna insult them too ?

    i have posted on other people's threads and offered advice.i do help others,coz i dont want to see them treated like s*** as i know how it feels

    some moderator,moderators are supposed to be helpful,not insult the people who come here

    And i have posted new things.and i am pissed because you are insulting me when there is no need for it.everyone will have been through this at some point with someone they like,and how would you like it if people were trying to insult you ?.you are making me sound like something im not.there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a kind and decent person,but some people like to bully and be cruel to people like that.well i'm not having it.you can give advice without making personal comments

    yes some people here have been helpful and i thank them.some are cold and heartless and like to see people hurt

    well im sorry i came here.if you dont want people to post here,its abit thick creating a forum for them.i take it this forum is for anyone with any problem,maybe this should be in the down in the dumps section instead anyway

    he is not a decent guy,he is a a***.i cant believe you take his side.he is in the wrong,not me.it just shows you dont appreciate decent people

    i will only post here if anything else happens,that is,something that suits you
    Last edited by bethfromEngland; 27-10-07 at 09:25 AM.

  12. #57
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    ppl have problems, but ppl know how to fix them when they look at themselves and take care of business! there are ppl who get cheated on because their girl/guy ****ed someone else literally. i myself have had this happen, but i look at myself and see what i could have one to prevent it. i should have not been a kiss ass earlier.

    you come on here talking about how you help ppl because you know how it feels to be treated like shit. well guess what? everyone here does! that's why were here. but there's a key word out of all of this: RESPONSIBILITY. you gotta be responsible about yourself and see what you gotta do in yourself to avoid such bad situations.

    but you are amazingly thick, so to humor you, ill tell you that you are absolutely right!

    you shouldnt let a guy do that to you! you know what? i suggest you key his car. dont ever let a guy lead you on like that for a FIRST DATE. make sure to call his house everyday until he gives you an apology. if he doesn't do that, follow him to his work and make him apologize! spread shit about he is a huge jerk! no one messes with you!

    is that help? is that what you want to hear? this does NOT help you, but if you think it does go right ahead. then see him sue you in court for damage, defamation, and harassment. maybe THEN you will learn.

  13. #58
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    whoa,i would never do that.

    and erm,i did say i would feel awful if i have done something wrong,and would want to apologise..at least i admit it though

    and excuse me ,i think vulnerable is the word,i am intelligent thank you.i have good quals too

    you are also ' amazingly thick' i am NOT saying i havent done anything wrong,how many more times ?

    you know,i am english,they say we have more intelligence,and SOME americans are arrogant.

    i have friends from america,and they are great,but that is the rep you have here
    Last edited by bethfromEngland; 27-10-07 at 09:42 AM.

  14. #59
    Join Date
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    Every time you post its redundant. You say the same thing, he did this and or you did that. It was ONE DATE. How can you can even say you dated? Had you gone out several times maybe. But this is ridiculous. You need to let this go. Geezuz situations like this is what gives us a women the bad rap, were crazy were nuts, etc...so THANKYOU!
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  15. #60
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    DID i say we dated .no !

    i said i liked him because we had SPOKE to each other alot.you know,you find out what someone's personality is like through TALKING.And you get attracted to their personality,and looks,yes,news flash,you can really like someone from their looks,even if you have only seen them a couple of times

    And as i said,you dont give up after ONE date,you give it a chance ,bloody hell who does that ? ok if he's shy i can understand him worrying about it,but that can be solved.And i did say that if we had had the one date,and hadnt spoken so much,i wouldnt have been bothered and would have moved on ages ago

    squirrelly,i wasnt getting at you....you have been helpful,as has promiscuousboy,and a couple others here.all i wanna know is if i should apologise ? i wouldnt mention anything else,unless he does
    Last edited by bethfromEngland; 27-10-07 at 09:53 AM.

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